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What happens after the video is submitted?
What happens after the video is submitted?
Nadav Peleg avatar
Written by Nadav Peleg
Updated over a week ago

After the video is submitted, the artist has 3 days to rate it and provide their feedback about it.

If the artist gives a low rate to the video, our moderation team checks it against the instructions provided by the artist, as well as our basic requirements described in this article, and makes a decision regarding it. In case the requirements haven’t been met in the video, the reward won’t be provided for it. The status of the video will be "Cancelled".

The rating as well as the feedback will appear on the Campaign page.

Our goals are:

  • to bring value to the artist and to get their tracks heard

  • help creators monetize their accounts, growing their pages with high-quality music from our artists.

This will always remain our main focus.

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